KWXY Presents ● The Music of John Mellencamp
John Mellencamp - Publicity Photo Columbia Records / Hoffman Entertainment Inc. Photo Credit: Danny Clinch / IVOX MEDIA collection
John Cougar Mellencamp ● Uh-Huh
Uh-Huh by John Cougar Mellencamp, was released October 23, 1983, on the Riva label. John Cougar Mellencamp was a stage name for John Mellencamp and a transition from his early work under the name John Cougar. It was Mellencamp's seventh studio album and the first in which he used his real last name.
KWXY Presents ● “The Music of John Mellencamp” today at 5pm hosted by Louie Comella, on KWXY Music Radio 92.3FM ● 1340AM ● streaming at and